General Information

1. Back ground
Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI) was established in 1968 in accordance with the Governmental Council, Decree No 24/CP, February 9, 1968, on the definition of institutional organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
FCRI was re-organized by integrating some research units of Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute (VASI) into FCRI, in accordance with the Decision of 220/2005/QD-TTg, September 09, 2005 of Prime Minister on the establishment of Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS).
2. Mandates
– Researching on plant biotechnology, plant physiology and biochemistry, genetics, plant breeding, agronomy, essentially on rice, legumes, and tuber crops;
– Conducting the agricultural extension programe in the Red River Delta Regions;
– Establishing and enhancing cooperation with international institutions in the term of researching, transferring technology, training, consulting on the field of agriculture and rural development;
– Associating and cooperating in researching, transferring, experiment, and training with national organization;
– Producing and trading the agricultural products.
3. Manpower and Structural Organization
– FCRI has a total staff of 255, of which 1 Professors, 21 Ph.D, 100 M.Sc, 101 B.Sc, and the rests are workers and employees.
– FCRI has 3 management departments (Research planning and International Co-operation, Administration and Personnel, Finance and Accounting); 5 research divisions (Plant Biotechnology, Plant Protection, Plant Physiology – Biochemistry and Production Quality, Agromomy, and Horticulture); 6 Research and Development Centers (Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center, Inbred Rice Research and Development Center, Legume Research and Development Center, Root and Tuber Crops Research and Development Center, Field Crops Testing and evaluation Center, and Agrarian System Research and Development Center).
– The Institute’s headquarter is located at Gialoc district, Haiduong Province, on a total of 150 ha of land, of which 100 ha is for field experiments and seed production. FCRI’s branch is located at Thanhtri, Hanoi with a total of 55 ha of land, of which 38 ha is for field experiment.
– Available research facilities: Crop production infrastructures; Labotories of Plant Physiology – Biochemistry and Production quality, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Protection; Seed Quality Control; Cold Stores; Phytotrons; Net House …
4. Achievements
FCRI has a lot of research collaborative programs with not only the national research institutions, universities, agencies, but also other provincial agencies in the country.
– FCRI has applied traditional and modern methods for varietal improvement of food and fruit crops.
– Since 1995, FCRI has developed 225 food crop varieties that have been officially released, composed of 107 rice varieties (94 inbred rice and 13 hybrid rice); 40 legume varieties (soybean, mungbean and peanut); 41 tuber and root crops (potato; sweet potato; cassavas) and 23 horticulture and vegetables (tomato, cucumber, waxgourd, cabbage, zucchini); and 14 of fruit trees (jujube, guava, Longan, starfruit).
– 35 production technologies for food and fruit crops have been developed and put into large- scale production.
5. International Cooperation
– FCRI has closely research collaboration with some international organizations namely IRRI, CIP, ICRISAT, AVRDC, FAO, ACIAR, JICA, IFAD, CIRAD, KOICA, AFACI… and with other national research institutions and agencies from Asia, Africa, Europ, Latin American countries and Australia.