1. Origin

– BT7KBL-02 is a fragrant and high-quality rice variety, selected from a backcrossing of BT7 (mother) and IRBB54 (father) carrying the xa5 gene. Using molecular markers RM122 and xa5FM to screen individuals carrying bacterial blight resistant gene (xa5).

– The variety was introduced into production according to Decision No. 123/QD-TT-CLT dated March 7, 2024 by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

– Authors: Pham Thien Thanh, Tang Thi Diep, Nguyen Tri Hoan, Duong Xuan Tu, Tong Thi Huyen, Doan Van Thao, Le Thi Thanh

2. Agronomic characteristics

– Growth duration: 120 – 130 days in spring season and 100 – 107 days in summer season.

– Average plant height is 110 cm; good growth and development.

– 1000- seed weight is from 19-20 g; small, slender, dark brown seed.

– Yield: 44.67-68.64 quintals/ha in spring season; 43.80-56.57 quintals/ha in summer season.

– Rice quality: small and transparent grain, soft, strong flavor, special aroma, low amylose (14%).

– Resistance to blast disease, moderate infections of bacterial blight, brown plant hopper.

3. Contact
+ Address: Lien Hong commune – Hai Duong city – Hai Duong province

+ Phone: 02203.716.570
+ Fax: 02203.716.385
+ Email: