1. Origin

– L32 was selected from a combination of TQ9/1001.3.1.

– The variety was introduced into production according to the Document No. 364/VCLT-KH dated December 8, 2021 of the Field Crops Research Institute.

– Authors: Nguyen Xuan Thu, Nguyen Xuan Doan, Nguyen Thi Hong Oanh, Nguyen Thi Lieu, Tran Thi Truong, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Nguyen Thi Quy, Trinh Thi Thuy Linh and Nguyen Van Thang.


  1. Agronomic characteristics

– Growth duration (115 – 125 days in spring season), 100-pod weight (165.4 g), 100-seed weight (65.1 g), percentage of seeds per pod (72.1%), yield (4.9 – 5.1 tons/ha in spring season), oil content (50.94%), protein content (28.45%).

– Light susceptible to rust, black spot, brown spot, bacterial wilt.

  1. Contact

Legumes Research and Development Center

+ Adress: Vinh Quynh – Thanh Tri – Hanoi
+ Phone: 02438.613.919
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