1. Origin

– D11 was selected from a combination of M103/DT2000, using marker assisted selection to screen rust-resistant individuals.

– The variety was introduced into production according to the Document No. 35/VCLT-KH dated February 1, 2024 of the Field Crops Research Institute, posted on the database of the Department of Crop Production on March 1, 2024.

– Authors: Duong Xuan Tu, Nguyen Van Khoi, Le Thi Hai Yen, Nguyen Thi Hong Ngot, Nguyen Thi Huong, Nguyen Thi Minh and Nguyen Thi Thu

2. Agronomic characteristics

– Growth duration (85-100 days), 1000-seed weight (201.9 – 237.0 g), yield (25.3 – 28.4 quintals/ha in sping and summer season; 22.9 – 24.0 quintals/ha in winter season)

– Tolerance to rust (score 2/5), brown spot (score 2/5), slight susceptible to powdery mildew and downy mildew (score 3/5).

3. Contact

Legumes Research and Development Center

+ Adress: Vinh Quynh – Thanh Tri – Hanoi
+ Phone: 02438.613.919
+ Fax: 02438.618.095
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