1. Origin

– BT7KBL-01 is a fragrant and high-quality rice variety, selected from a hybrid combination of BT7/IRBB62.

2. Agronomic characteristics

– Growth duration: 121 – 131 days in spring and 100 – 109 days in summer.

– Plant height (96.7 – 105.8 cm), good growth and development, high rate of grain filling.

– 1000- seed weight is from 19.3 – 20.9 g; small, slender, dark brown seed.

– Rice quality: small grain, soft, strong flavor, special aroma.

– Yield: 44.13-70.87 quintals/ha in spring season; 43.30-58.5 quintals/ha in summer season.

– Resistance to blast disease, moderate susceptible to bacterial blight and brown plant hopper.

3. Contact
+ Address: Lien Hong commune – Hai Duong city – Hai Duong province

+ Phone: 02203.716.570
+ Fax: 02203.716.385
+ Email: