1. Origin

– N24 was selected from a hybrid combination of Japonica 13/AC5/P6DB.

– The variety was introduced into production according to Decision No. 209/QD-TT-CLT dated October 1, 2020 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

– Authors: Tran Thi Lien, Ha Van Nhan, Nguyen Thanh Luan et al.

2. Agronomic characteristics

– Growth duration: 136 – 146 days in spring season and 105 – 112 days in summer season.

– Plant height (115-120 cm), high tillering, hard stems, vigorous growth, large panicle and panicle necks and dense grains.

– Medium grain size, 150 – 180 filled grains/panicle depending on cultivation conditions, high ratio of grain filling, 1000-seed weight is 20.6-21.4 grams.

– Harvested yield is from 56.4-65.1 quintals/ha in spring season and from 52.0 quintals/ha in summer season.

– Transparent and shiny grain, very high proportion of whole grains, light fragrant, soft and delicious cooked rice.

– High blast resistance, good cold tolerance at seedling stage, good intensive cultivation, very good lodging resistance. 3. Contact
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